由澳門扶輪青年服務團 Rotaract Club of Macau主辦既第十六屆澳門親善大使文化交流之旅又黎啦~
呢次主題係 “愛在一帶一路,與環保同行”。今次會去最注重自然生態保育的先進國家之一 -- 紐西蘭交流。
只要報名參加, 你將會有機會獲得:
- 交通住宿費用全數贊助
- 零距離文化交流
- 參與當地社區義務工作
- 擴闊眼界認識新朋友
- 以及一個改變人生的體驗


Let’s kick off the 16th Goodwill Ambassador Programme organised by The Rotaract Club of Macau!
Our theme this year will be “Walk with sustainability”. Join us and you will have the chance to:
- Go New Zealand with full sponsorship
- Indulge in local culture
- Get involved in volunteer work
- Meet new friends
- Broaden your horizon
Just one click on the below link, apply for the interview, and open the door to this life changing journey↓↓↓
(For details please refer to the link above. Application ends on 3rd Feb 2018.)